About UTC

Filed Under:
  • To unite all Muslim youngsters in the society wholly as a big family
  • To expose each of Muslim youngsters regards to financial education and business skills
  • To train and encourage each of Muslim youngster to have their own business company theoretically and practically
  • To lessen the numbers of unemployment among Muslim society
  • To increase the purchasing power among Muslim society

To be the best and biggest Muslim society in the world that able to produce billionaires and trillionaires that posses the ability to administer individual, partner, family and community as a whole as well as ruling the world according to Islam practice and guidance.

  • Education : To educate all Muslim members in the society about business nature and financial education
  • Islamization : To apply Islamic teaching into business practice
  • Cooperation : To cooperate with all Muslim entrepreneurs and educators
  • Globalization : To extent our potential entrepreneur into global market condition.

As we are like a family members in this club society, each person in this club will be treated like brothers and sisters. So, everyone should assist and cooperate each other in order to achieve their desire ambition in life. Furthermore, the older (those who have an experience) should guide and give advice to the younger to be excellent in their future business venture.

  • Usrah / Study Circle
  • Business Training / Seminar
  • Martial Art Course
  • Family Day / Travelling
  • Community Service

Business Training Modules
  • Personality Enhancement
  • Financial Management
  • Entrepreneurship Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Practical
  • Projects
